Nuclear Reader

The Nuclear Reader was written with the intention of bringing into focus information known and unknown which surrounds the use of nuclear energy.........

Chapter 1. Hazards of Low Level Radioactivity
This chapter discusses some of the Many hazards of low level radioactivity.

Chapter 2. Nuclear Power is Bad Business
This chapter dispells the myth that nuclear power is economically viable.

Chapter 3. The Petkau Effect
This chapter explains the health damaging effect of low-dose radioactivity.

Chapter 4. Health Damage from Radioactivity
This chapter clarifies that there is no safe dose of radiation.

Chapter 5. References
Medical literature on radiation health damage.

Chapter 6. Depleted Uranium
This chapter looks at depleted uranium as a part of the nuclear energy cycle with attention to military uses.

Chapter 7. Photos of Radiation Damage
This chapter contains photos of plant deformities and infant deformaties.

Chapter 8. Radioactive Waste
This chapter discusses the fact that there is no plan for long term storage of radioactive waste.

Chapter 9. Toward Clean Energy
Thsi chapter explores clean renewable energy sources.


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“Yes it's time for a clean energy based world economy, and we the people must take back our decision-making power!”
Jeane Manning
This chapter is about the possibility of creating alternatives to our reliance on toxic nuclear power.  If we put the money the government ear-marked for nuclear energy into clean renewable sources we would have more electricity than we know what to do with.  We could  shift from polluting energy sources. All that is required is scientific and financial support for the emerging  clean forms of energy to end our reliance on nuclear energy, oil and coal.  Although the price of solar energy has declined over the last few years, it can't compete with the enormous monetary support nuclear power has had in the form of subsidies, tax breaks and insurance coverage by the government.

Let's develop clean energies and phase out unrealistic expenditures on nuclear power.  Solar, thermal, photovoltaic, wind, biomass, hydro, earth energy and other benign renewable technologies have already been developed and can be further refined and rapidly spread around the world at affordable cost. Let technology be put to some good use that makes sense! 

Since the Japanese catastrophe of March 2011 there seems to be more media mention of solar panels and other forms of alternative energy.  One such innovative application is solar panels that float on pontoons on water on agricultural land.  A New York Times article 'Solar on the Water' (April 21, 2011) points out: 

“while it is a niche market, it is potentially a large one globally.  The solar panel aqua farms have drawn interest from farmers and mining companies enticed by the prospect of finding a new use for – and new revenue from – their liquid assets.”
It makes sense to expand the use of clean energy while encouraging its financial viability.  Another approach is to reduce demand. A growing number of “passive houses” are being built around the country.  These buildings have about 30% more insulation than standard houses and only use a fraction of the electricity. 

In Europe over 15,000 homes, apartments and office buildings have been built using the passive house concept.   Beginning in 2020, the European Union will require new buildings to produce all the energy they consume.  What a great idea!  Read chapter two about the economic failure of nuclear power, propped up by subsidies and hand outs.

In fact, two establishment sources confirm the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using renewable energy.  An encouraging article in Scientific American (Mark Jacobsen and Mark De Lucchi, “A Path to Sustainable Energy by 2030” Nov. 2009) proposes that 100% of the worlds energy could be supplied by wind, water and solar resources by as early as 2030.  They contend that the cost of generating and transmitting power “would be less than the projected cost per kilowatt-hour for fossil fuel and nuclear power.”  Renewable energy is economically feasible and they “hope global leaders can figure out how to make wind, water and solar politically feasible as well.”

The Union of Concerned Scientists studied the potential for a clean renewable energy economy and put together their findings in a report,  the Climate 2030 Blueprint, in which they describe how their “blueprint cuts carbon emissions and saves money.”  In fact, enacting their proposals would save consumers $465 billion annually by 2030. 

In searching for new clean energy, some inventors have found that space is filled with motion  - the quantum fluctuations within the atom and the stars -  and that this energy could be converted into electricity. Orthodox scientists have overlooked the vacuum of space and that it might be utilized for energy because they have not realized it consists of pure massless charge. Electromagnetic and gravitational forces are in the vacuum. 

In the book The Secret of the Creative Vacuum author John Davidson tells us:

“Physics needs to seriously consider the vacuum state as a real energy field.  An understanding of vacuum state manifestation leads one to design more efficient energy machines that do not require the use of nuclear fission or fusion.”
While scientists have estimated the energy in the vacuum by various means, a reasonable calculation is given by Wheeler and Misner in their book Geometrodynamics (Academic Press NY 1962).  They say the “energy density of the vacuum potential is enormous.”

Retired US Army Lt. Col. Tom Bearden PhD, a leading conceptualist in alternate energy technology and an inventor, says:

“In particle physics it is well known that the active vacuum is incredibly even a tiny efficiency of tapping this energy could and will extract all the energy one could wish.”
For further discussion of the vacuum potential and other new energies see the informative references on the last page of this chapter.

Instead of being blinded by traditional ideas, let us look into the spectrum of energy sources waiting to be harnessed to make usable physical energy. 

Once we install clean energies, radioactive waste remains a vast challenge. The states plans to transport radioactive waste in thousands of shipments across the country to Nevada and to deregulate radioactive waste and use it in commercial products do not make sense!There are other possible solutions. One energy technology that might offer hope is transmutation. 

Transmutation is, in this application, used to describe the conversion of radioactive elements into other radioactive elements with shorter life spans, or into non-radioactive elements. In some cases the process may change the radioactive element into another element with a shorter half-life, so that the necessary storage time is reduced. In other cases the element itself would be changed.  Traditional science says this is not possible. However, in recent years, experiments by certain labs have been replicated and several patents granted.  See the DVD on transmutation in References for discussion of this valuable possibility.

If nuclear power production were phased out and scientists further developed readily available renewable energies, we would be in a good position to allow the earth to renew itself.

Of course, we will have to re-mineralize the soil and quadruple plant life to absorb CO2 
and make oxygen.  And we would have to develop a respect for Nature which would inform our scientific and economic endeavors in order to shape healthy and sustainable energy strategies. 

We can observe that corporate greed has exploited Nature, impoverished the people, who are in a state of biological degeneration, and ruined the land with the huge loss of topsoil, bankrupted the government and allowed the perpetuation of radioactive contamination all over the earth. 

On the other hand, many citizens have been tireless in their work towards preserving a liveable Earth.  Amory Lovins, the founder of The Rocky Mountain Institute and a pioneer in the effort towards establishing clean energy, has repeatedly shown that nuclear power is not only deleterious to the environment and human health, it is not economically viable either.  Nuclear energy cannot compete with the efficiency and safety of renewable sources of energy.  Current analysis indicates it is possible to use sustainable technologies to meet world energy needs by reducing energy waste through increasing efficiency while phasing out nuclear power. 

There is a heartening wave of agreement with Lovins' proposals.  An article in the conservative journal Foreign Affairs, “Globalizing the Energy Revolution” (Nov. Dec. 2010 Levi, Economy, O'Neil, Segal) confirms Amory Lovins' facts and concludes that “a massive drive to develop cheaper clean-energy solutions is necessary.”  A New York Times article by Mathew Wald (11/17/2010) “GOP Gains May Not Aid Nuclear Power” confirms that the “nuclear renaissance” is mostly stalled.

With all the obstacles in the path of a new generation of nuclear plants we might witness the end of the false science and profit driven propaganda of the so called nuclear renaissance. So this is a perfect time to go ahead with the solutions!  Let's go ahead.  We all have a role to play.

Whereas the daily operation of nuclear power plants has planned and unplanned health damaging emissions, and whereas the continuing operation of nuclear power creates radioactive waste for which there is no long term storage, and whereas nuclear power production is not economically appropriate, it is proposed that all nuclear power be phased out as an energy source.

It is proposed that sustainable and non-toxic, already available sources of energy be utilized immediately.

We, the Voices for Safe Energy, have prepared the Nuclear Reader with the intention of providing vital information, with the vision of security and health for us all.  We invite you to share widely.  There is no copyright:  Use as best you can for the benefit of everyone.

 ...Voices for Safe Energy


Rocky Mountain Institute/Amory Lovins:

For more information on Lovins August 21, 2010 presentation Nuclear Powers Competitive Landscape

Institute for Local Self-Reliance:

Wind power:

Solar and other renewable sources of energy: click on page for 'renewable energy'.

Financial incentives:

Energy efficient houses:

Books on sustainable living:


The inventors of a new primary energy source, economical and sustainable.
Their focus is to educate the public, policy makers and investors about the need to support  research and development of zero-point energy, magnetic generators, advanced hydrogen processes, and other little-known powerful energy technologies.
A news portal dedicated to new energy technologies.
A website dedicated to clarifying “free energy”, which is any energy that is provided by the  natural world.  Informative DVD's and related links.
Website of Tom Beardon PhD, co-inventor of the Motionless Electromagnetic Generator.
See many relevant articles.
Website of long-time journalist covering free energy.


“Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-Leap new energy Inventions can transform our world”

by Jeane Manning and Joel Garbov, Amber Bridge Books 2008

An outstanding overview of clean energy technologies available at:

“The Coming Energy Revolution”

 by Jeane Manning, Avery Publishers NY 1996

 Out of print, but available in French and German


 J.A. Wheeler & C. Misner, Academic Press NY 1962
“Energy from the Vacuum: Concepts and Principles”
 by Tom Bearden 1995

Findings after 30 years of research point to a clean energy source – energy from the vacuum.
Contains stories of pioneering inventors.  917pp.  To order:



 This unique 2 hour DVD is suggested for an introduction to pioneering inventor Tom Bearden: 
 a lecture by him about the vacuum and the secrets of engineering its boundless energy.
 Includes a historical overview of free energy devices.  To order:

“Energy from the Vacuum - 2007”

A documentary series of 20 DVD's either in a set or sold individually.  Disc 18 titled  Transmutation (43 minutes) includes dialogues with John Bedini, Daniel Sheehan PhD and
Tom Bearden PhD.  To order:


Infinite Energy Magazine
The magazine of new energy science and technology


“Nothings Plenty: The Vacuum in Modern Quantum Field Theory”

I.J.R. Aitchison
Contemporary Physics 26(4) 1985 pp 333-391
A description of the vacuum.
“Clean Electrical Energy from the Active Vacuum”
 Tom Beardon

We, the Voices for Safe Energy, have prepared the Nuclear Reader with the intention of providing vital information, with the vision of security and health for us all.  We invite you to share widely.  There is no copyright:  Use as best you can for the benefit of everyone.

 ...Voices for Safe Energy