Chapter 1. Hazards of Low
Level Radioactivity Chapter 2. Nuclear Power is
Bad Business Chapter 3. The Petkau Effect
Chapter 4. Health Damage from
Radioactivity Chapter 5.
References Chapter 6. Depleted Uranium
Chapter 7. Photos of
Radiation Damage Chapter 8. Radioactive Waste
Chapter 9. Toward Clean
Energy Email:
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CHAPTER FIVE: BIBILIOGRAPHY ON RADIATION EFFECTS AT LOW DOSES With appreciation to Ernest J. Sternglass for this bibliography, compiled 1998. Dr. Ernest J. Sternglass is a retired Professor Emeritus of Radiological Physics at the University of Pittsburgh. He is the author of Secret Fallout (free download at www.radiation.org).Archer VE (1987) "Association of Nuclear Fallout with Leukemia in the United States." Archives of Environmental Health 42(5): 263-271. Barton CJ, Roman E, et al. (1985) "Childhood Leukemia in West Berkshire." Lancet 2(8466): 1248-1249. Bertell R (1985) No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth. Summertown, TN, Book Publishing Co. Bertell R (1995) Low Level Radiation Exposure Effects in the Tri-State Leukemia Survey. 2nd International Congress of the Society for Radiation Protection. Berlin, Germany, Thomas Dersee, Strahlentelex: 48-59. 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Environmental Medicine (Nagoya) 33: 1-18. Kazakov VS, Demidchik EP, et al. (1992) "Thyroid Cancer after Chernobyl." Nature 359(6390): 21-21. Kneale GW, Mancuso TF, et al. (1981) "Hanford Radiation Study: A Cohort Study of the Cancer Risks from Radiation to Workers at Hanford (1944-77 Deaths) by the Method of Regression Models in Life Tables." British Journal of Industrial Medicine 38(2): 156-166. Kneale GW and Stewart AM (1993) "Reanalysis of Hanford Data: 1944-1986 Deaths." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 23(3): 371-389. Land CE, McKay FW, et al. (1984) "Childhood Leukemia and Fallout from the Nevada Nuclear Tests." Science 223(4632): 139-144. Luning G, Schmidt M, et al. (1989) "Early Infant Mortality in West Germany before and after Chernobyl." Lancet 2(8671): 1081-1083. Machado SG, Land CE, et al. (1987) "Cancer Mortality and Radioactive Fallout in Southwestern Utah USA." American Journal of Epidemiology 125(1): 44-61. 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